cardigan with sheep

Cardigan with sheep

cardigan cu oite
size: 98.
Necessary materials:
– 300 g of cream-colored yarn (100% lana, 125 m/50g);
– Cate 50g fir maro si bej;
– Andrele no. 4;
– 5 brown buttons.

Thread density: 20 stitches x 27 rows = 10 x10 cm.

Spate: With brown thread, cast on 58 stitches and knit 3 cm (11 rows) lazy point, knitting the first row on the wrong side. Then it will be knitted with cream jersey point yarn.
After 22 cm from elastic, for rascroiala sleeves end from both sides 1 x 3 stitches and will decrease after the first and penultimate eye of each 2nd row 4 x 1 stitch (on the front side of the work, dinpsre right side 2 stitches together front, from the left side, Andrea is taken as an eye for an eye, 1 face eye that will pass over the eye taken).
After 11 cm from the neckline, the remaining 44 stitches are passed on a helpful needle andrea.

Front left side: With brown thread is mounted on needle 32 stitches and knit 3 cm (11 rows) lazy point, knitting the first row on the wrong side. After, it will be knitted in the following way : 26 stitches with thread creams jersey point and 6 stitches with brown thread lazy point.
After 6.5 cm from elastic will knit sheep starting with the 5th eye to the eye 25 according to the scheme (when changing the color of the threads, the wires are placed in the cross so as not to form gaps). After knitting the motif, will continue with the pitiful point with cream thread.
After 22 cm from elastic, for neckline sleeve ends from the right 1 x 3 stitches and will decrease after the first stitch of each 2nd row 4 x 1 stitch (from the left side, Andrea is taken as an eye for an eye, 1 face eye that will pass over the eye taken).
After 6 cm from the neckline sleeve, for neckline will be left on a helpful needle 9 stitches from the left side, will knit 2 rows, after that they will leave another 3 stitches.
Next it will decrease from the left side, before the last eye after 2 rows 1×1 stitch and every 4th row 2 x 1 stitch (on the front side of the work, 2 stitches together face).
After 5 cm from the neckline will be left on the helpful needle andreaua 10 stitches for the shoulder.

Front right side: It will knit similar to the left one with small exceptions. The model in the scheme will knit symmetrically with the one on the left front side, the dinstanta of 14 cm from elastic after the first 12 stitches.
The decreases of the stitches for the neckline of the sleeve will be made the same as those on the left front side.
For decreases of stitches of neckline will trciota 2 stitches together front.
On the brown elastic will be made 4 locks ( ends 2 stitches after the first 3 stitches, and in the next row are taken again on andrea): the first clasp will be located 4 rows higher than the bottom edge, the others at a distance of 20 rows from each other.

Sleeve: With brown thread is mounted on needle 34 stitches and knit 3 cm (11 rows) lazy point, knitting the first row on the wrong side. After, will knit jersey point with thread creams, adding from both sides after the first and before the last 2 stitches in every 8th row 5 x 1 stitch (on the front side, 1 knit stitch twisted between 2 stitches of the previous row).
After 17 cm from elastic will end from both sides 1 x 3 stitches, after which they will decrease after the first and before the last eye in every 2nd row 6 x 1 eye (just like the neckline sleeves on the back side).
After 22 cm from elastic, the 26 stitches end.

finishing: The shoulder seam is made, Applyingschema cardigan cu oite knitting stitching for stitches on the needle helping of the corresponding details on the back and front.
With brown thread is mounted on the needle on the neckline 63 stitches, knitting stitches on the front helpful needle andreaua and knit 9 rows lazy point, achieving in row 6, from the right, a clasp located above the others. The eyes close.
It will finish knitting motif, applying the stitch "eye to eye" and the stitch "needle forward".
Sew the other details of the clothes and buttons.


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