simple effect beret

Simple and effective beret

bereta simpla de efectCranial circumference: 54-56 cm.
Necessary materials:
150 g fir Rowan Cotton Lustre (55% cotton, 35% silk, 10% in; 80 m/50 g);
Andre no. 4.5 and 5.5;

Knit density: 20 stitches x 28 rows = 10 cm.
Knitting explanation:
Cast on 90 stitches and knit as follows:
Row 1: All front stitches.
Row 2: 1 front eye, *3 front stitches, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 1 and 2 are repeated 5 times and row 1 once more. Next, it will be knitted with needles no. 5.5.
Row 14: will be knitted as Row 2.
Row 15: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, Purl 3 stitches, add 1 purl stitch; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 purl stitch = 112 stitches.
Row 16: 1 front eye, *4 front stitches, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 17: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 4 purl stitches; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 18: will be knitted as Row 16.
Row 19: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 4 purl stitches, add 1 purl stitch; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 purl stitch = 134 stitches.
Row 20: 1 front eye, *5 front stitches, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 21: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 5 purl stitches; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 22: will be knitted as Row 20.
Row 23: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 5 purl stitches, add 1 purl stitch; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 purl stitch = 156 stitches.
Row 24: 1 front eye, *6 front stitches, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 25: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 6 purl stitches; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 24 and 25 are repeated 9 times and row 24 once more.
Row 45: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 4 purl stitches, Purl 2 stitches together (behind the eyes); repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 purl stitch = 134 stitches.
Row 46-49: se vor tricota ca și rândul 20 și 21, 2 times.
Rândul 50: will be knitted as Row 20.
Rândul 51: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, Purl 3 stitches, Purl 2 stitches together (behind the eyes); repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 purl stitch = 112 stitches.
Rândul 52 și 53: se va tricota ca și rândul 16 și 17.
Rândul 54: se va tricota ca și rândul 16.
Row 55: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 2 purl stitches, Purl 2 stitches together (behind the eyes); repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 ochi dos = 90 ochiuri.
Row 56: 1 front eye, *3 front stitches, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 57: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, Purl 3 stitches; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Rândul 58: se va tricota ca și rândul 56.
Rândul 59: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, 1 back eye, Purl 2 stitches together (behind the eyes); repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 ochi dos = 68 ochiuri.
Rândul 60: 1 front eye, *2 front stitches, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Rândul 61: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, Purl 2 stitches together (behind the eyes); repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 ochi dos = 46 ochiuri.
Rândul 62: 1 front eye, *1 front eye, take 1 stitch on the needle without knitting, the thread before the eye; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 63: 1 back eye, [2 stitches together front] x 22 ori, 1 ochi dos = 24 ochiuri.
Rândul 64: 1 back eye, [Purl 2 stitches together ] x 11 ori, 1 ochi dos = 13 ochiuri.
The working thread is cut, se trece prin ochiurile rămase. The thread is tightened and fixed on the wrong side of the work. Se realizează cusătura din spatele beretei.


2 thoughts on “Simple and effective beret

  1. To this!
    It is a sign from which the report is repeated. Start knitting the row as written, then repeat everything after *, and end the line with what is written after the text 'repeat from *'.

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